
01 May 2010

Earlier this week I was on the train, my usual morning routine. I usually choose to kill this time by drawing some pictures, in my drawing book of many abandoned pictures that you'll never see. So I'm trying to draw, cause obviously the train is not the smoothest ride. We reach the second stop, a guy gets on the train and takes the seat behind me. Now this action causes me to stop drawing completely. Why? Cause I didn't want the guy sitting behind me to think I was writing in my diary. Yes, that's why I stopped drawing, cause I assumed that the guy sitting behind me would see my hand movements and assume that I'm some 25 year old man writing in his diary on the train. I stopped doing the thing I loved the most, cause I assumed that some guy would assume I wasn't doing said action, but something completely unrelated. Pride? What's that? But you know what, lets act like I was writing in a diary that day, what would I have put down?

Dear Diary,

Today I reached my lowest point as a man, I traded in my pride for a Box of shame biscuits. On the back of the box of Shame Biscuits it reads, "Best eaten while crying!" So that's what I did diary, I went home and went into the bathroom, started crying and ate my Shame Biscuits.



LauraTheSull said...

... so you HAVE written in your diary on the train before though, then, havent you?

Jason Quinones said...

funny and a cool toon to go with it! really nice stuff on the blog here!