I just want to make clear that the middle puppet is supposed to be Jim Henson, and the first puppet is just a random puppet... if I had to do it over I'm have the order completely reversed though. Nothing negative by this, I'm a giant Jim Henson fan.
Robin and Alfred wanted to start a band, but as usual Batman; wanting to be apart of everything forced his way in. Look out for their first record, "Swear to Me!!!"
This guy is one of my favorite villains, a certifiable lunatic and all around asshole. If you want to find out more about him, check out the amazing movie, "Yojimbo".
I got a Tweeetter, mainly to promote this blog and future projects. I didn't want to but I guess it's a necessary evil so I bit the bullet. So to celebrate the new Twatter I made a couple of new Twutta logos and as you can see everyone is covered!